
How to procede and to gather proves of stalking ?

by  |  earlier

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two person are cyberstalking him in an anonymous internet forum... as they made a mistake they are already identified . hundreds of post , topics etc ... one person is his ex , harassing , insulting, playing with some private informations she had when they were together , the other is a blasphemer, insulting, attacking his beliefs etc ...

one is in us , the other abroad... the server is american ...

some posts were erased ...

the person who iw being stalked also answered the provocations , but not at the same low level... can he had problems ?

how do begin that ?

thanks nice day




  1. Essentially this comes back to a modding issue, unless and until the stalkers follow this person to every forum they go to.

    The person being harassed should contact the moderators or administrators.  They should explain the situation, taking care to state the case simply and without ranting.

    Included in the information clearly should be the stalked person's username at the forum and the usernames of the stalker(s).  If possible, evidence of posts should be included and this should contain the link to the post (if it's still there) and/or copies and pasted text.

    Next, the stalked person should sit back, relax, and let the mods/admin take care of it.  Avoid getting involved in flaming - you only make yourself look bad and run the risk of discipline yourself.

    If the mods can't or won't do anything about it, then the stalked person should either:

    --quietly find a new forum to hang out in with a completely different username, having quietly let their special friends know what they are doing.  Stay at the new forum until the idiots have given up.

    --make a new user account at the forum, being careful not to include any info in the profile that would let this user account be identified as belonging to the same person.  Again, quietly let special friends know the new username and request they be particularly careful not to post comments that would help to identify this account's owner.

    There are various features available to administrators and moderators depending on what is being used to power the forum (e.g. Invision Powerboards) and it might be possible for the username to be changed without starting a new account.  Just be warned that old posts may display the new name.  This isn't a common feature but a more common one is to be able to suspend or ban members and the power to remove all or groups of messages posted by one person.

    Normally, with a bit of patience and some thick skin, it won't be necessary to change forums permanently and fights will die down.

  2. They made a mistake and are identified?  Prove that it's them.  Just because he answers something doesn't mean he's an accomplice to himself being stalked and how is this a "federal" crime?

    The internet is a funny's very easy to block and ignore someone online.  Tell him to choose a different forum to chat on instead.  Ex's can make lives h**l for one another but given time they go away.  Also if this is only online chatting and put's not even stalking.

    Best advice is tell him to ignore it, them, go to a different forum......

    I have an idea......pick up the phone and call the police see what they have to say about it and please let everyone else here know instead of asking the same questions over again.

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