
How to promate my websites through banner ads? any one knows it help me on it .....?

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How to promate my websites through banner ads? any one knows it help me on it .....?




  1. Why not try promoting your site with your banner ad for FREE?  A good banner exchange can help you test it too.

    Before you go spending a lot of money, it's smart to test your ad for effectiveness first.  The CTR (Click-Through-Rate) will help in that regard.

    Most banner exchanges offer you a sign-up bonus (500 to 1,000+ free ads) to get you started.  But, you need to get the banner exchange code working on your site to be approved.

    After that, it's usually a standard 2:1 ratio to earn more credits.  If you have a decent amount of traffic already, you may never have to buy ANY impressions!  Of course, this is if you want to go with co-op mode at most banner exchanges (you show ads for other exchange members on your site and they show your ad on their sites).  

    If you don't want to show banners for other sites on yours, you can always BUY impressions and they usually cheap (1 cent or less each - depending on the quality of an exchange itself).

    Beware of banner exchanges offering thousands of free ads OR a very high exchange rate like 4:5 (4 credits for each 5 ads that you run).  Those often don't last long at all and you'll have to go back later to remove all of their code or have lots of broken links shown on your site).  These come up and go away regularly, leaving all the exchange members stranded.

    In general, review ads shown BEFORE joining an exchange!

    You probably don't want sleazy or spammy-looking banners on your site, right?  Some will take on any site as a member!

    If you have a family-friendly web site based in the USA, I'd suggest American Banner Exchange.  See Top Sites of America Web Sites List (which shows their ads at bottom).

    Good Luck!

  2. Well you can sign up with most major advertising companies like AdSense, AdBrite, Yahoo, and Clicksor to start a campaign. You may want to hire creative services for your banners. Basically you have your banner saved as a flash or image file and upload it to the advertising company where they will prompt you to include the URL you will have the banner forward to when clicked on. It's fairly simple really.

  3. Make  little bit search and analysis  on advertising company ,

    Review the advertising maerketing.. then choose the best advertising company.

    I suggest you to try google adwords. its very userfrendly tool and help you in getting relevent traffic according to  your budget..



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