
How to promote my clothing brand on myspace?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i have a myspace page but i basically use that to talk to friends.

my friends and i want to start a clothing brand, and i heard myspace is one of the best ways to promote a brand. I have no retailers, but just a name and logos/designs. DO i start a new page to promote it? Is there a choice to do this just like there is a choice to make a music page?

lastly, how do i make friends if i start a new page just for my brand? i mean, people aren't just gonna view my brand on mysapce out of nowhere. how do i get big on myspacfe with a new brand? THANKS FOR ALL ANSWERS




  1. You don't have to pick like MySpace pages for bands, comedians, movies etc.

    So there is a way to promote your brand on MySpace, I've seen many many brands, they add people and those people see the designs and they'll be like "woah I like that tshirt!"

    They won't see your designs if you don't add those people.

    And you have to start somewhere.

  2. It is so hard to make money selling and promoting your brand on the internet i have tried and failed.

    The best way to start with is too Try and get pr and press on your side do something to get their attentionn.

    -Send out press release on free and paid websites

    -Hire a air balloon and fly along motorway with your brand printed on    

    the side.

    -Offer discounts and promote on discount code websites

    -Add website to free directories

    -Add site to search engines e.g google

    -Find some manufactures

    Look at this website it has fashion trends, manufactures and courses.


    Good luck

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