
How to promote the idea related to the stopping or slowing down of global warming?

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Assume some person thinks that he has some realistic idea about stopping or slowing down of global warming.

What do you recommend to do him?

I can suggest the first steps myself:

1) visit nearest psycho-pathologist

2) visit nearest physics teacher

What next? What if both of them tell that everything is right and there is nothing obviously wrong?




  1. First : Let's not worry about stopping or slowing down of global warming . Let people use Fossil fuel and cut down the forest to construct House or Industries .

    Result: Every year Carbon dioxide emitted by burning Fossil fuel is enough to increase global temparature by 1 Degree C a year . As Carbon Dioxide carries Heat to lower surface of earth. So by the end of 20 years the temparature will increase by 20 C .

    That is what happens on MAR's During day time there is enough Carbon dioxide to increase marshian climate to 325 Degree C during Day time and during night time Carbon Dioxide reduces temparature to -235 Degree C.

    Second : Now Let's think of supporting his idea of stopping or slowing down global warming .

    We will start with suggsting People to grow trees.

    Do you know that 1 single Tree can reduce temperature upto 5 Degree of surroundings .

    1 Tree is equivalant to 10 Air Conditioners.

    After Heavy Rains 1 Tree can store enough rain Water to reduce Floods in 1 Acre of land .

    You can just Plant One tree to reduce global warming . If each one of 6 Billion population on earth plant 1 tree a year and take care of the growth of the tree then there would be 6 Billion tree in 1 year .

    Result: After 5 years Temperature will stop increasing during day time as Trees will absorb the heat from sun for Photosynthesis process . Single Tree can store enough Carbondioxide that is emitted from 100 Vehicles . This happens during Day time , During night Tree again emits Carbon dioxide that will increase night temparatures. So temparature deviation in planted area is less than 10Degree C. Maximum 35 Degree C Minimum 25 Degree C.

    A small test to see if trees really maintain temparature .

    Take a thermometer and measure day high temparature and day low temparature in Forest or any thick greenery place and  barren land .

    Now note down the day high and day low in forest.

    Go to a barren land where there are no trees note down the day high and day low near barran land .

    You can see that the differance between Max and minimum temparature varies more than 20 C in Barran land where as in Forest it is only 10 C variation.

  2. I have a realistic idea for stopping global warming:

    Keep the planet clean! It's not Uranus!

  3. you should advertise stuff like in the reeses commercial

    "stop global warming, or all the reeses will melt"

  4. I suggest:

    1) Pray to All Mighty God Al Gore, Lord of Global Warming, to lead him not into the temptation of producing CO2, to protect him against all weather catastrophes and to deliver him from the evil skeptics,

    2) Light a candle right next to an image of All Mighty God Al Gore, every night!

    3) Faith, forget about facts, just faith….. a lot of it!


  5. visit

  6. To add to you list, they should also:

    1) Learn some basic science( although I think that may be what you meant by visiting a physics teacher).

    2) Get a basic education, and stop believing everything that they see on TV or the internet.

    3) Stop watching reality TV shows like 'Big Brother'.

    4) Tell them to actually 'get a life', and try to do something to improve things which are within man's capability and could influence or control.

    There are a few less 'politically correct' answers that I could come up with, but what I have seen is that it is either the less educated that believe this scam, or younger people, who have been brainwashed or have not had a proper job in their lives yet.

    Most of them are still living with their parents, or still in college.

    They have no real concept of what life is really all about yet.

    There were many things that I believed when I was younger, simply because my peers believed, so I should also.

    As a teenager, I 'knew' everything, and facts were never going to get in the way of my so-called 'knowledge'.

    As I grew older, and found that some of my beliefs were shattered by science, I became interested in science, since I did not like to prove my foolishness, and I always felt that science was where the true answers were to be found, I started to read books and learned that I was completely misguided about many things.

    I just wish more people would actually understand some very basic science, since they would soon realize that there are far more important things to worry about than a 'popular myth', which is only designed to promote fear and make massive profits for the unscrupulous politicians and other organisations who's only intent is to make massive profits from the gullible!

  7. Global warming?

    I'd be more worried about global cooling!

    We're already on the down cycle and on our way to a total ice age in less than 10,000 years.  That means, we have less than 10,000 years to figure out where we are going to put all those people in the northern hemisphere cities, because every single one of those cities will be crushed to pebbles by a 1000 foot high wall of solid ice.

    And that's not up for debate.  Every scientist, including those Al Gore likes to cite, will agree with this factual reality, because the history record proves it happens on regular cycles and we're already on our way.

    People 10,000 years from now will be cursing us for not having even more CO2, which would have prevented the total destruction of all the northern cities.

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