
How to properly clean gauged ears.?

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I recently gauged my ear to a double zero from a regular size earing and from a 2 gauged.The regular earing is now swelled out and keeps throbbing with pain while the other one seems fine.Its only been the second day of having them gauged.I want to know if its normal to be swelled and how do i properly clean them?




  1. Your lobes should never throb with pain from stretching. (By the way, it's stretched, not gauged. Gauge is the size) But you should also never skip sizes like you did. If you went from a standard sized ear ring straight to a 00g (don't know how....) then you're definitely going to have problems and probably tore your ear. Even a 2g to a 00g is bad. You should never skip sizes, it's just asking for problems.

    You should probably take them both out and go back to the size they were at, do sea salt soaks twice a day, and when they are healed again (probably a good month or two) then you should start stretching again. But this time you should stretch properly and go down to the next gauge.  

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