
How to properly introduce two female rats?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry to keep adding to this, but no, the vet didn't tell me "all this." I wish I'd have gotten more info. She stated that with enough time and supervision, they should be able to be friends and that rats live longer when with a friend. I just came here to ask exactly what to do to ensure a friendship between them, because I found it hard to believe that they'd accept each other after what happened and I am scared to keep taking chances.




  1. I have had this problem before, but usually with time and patience you'll be able to get them use to each other within two or three weeks.  The vanilla thing is used by many breeders, including myself so don't worry about what anyone else says about that, it's proven to help.  Your best bet is to house your two rats side by side for a couple of days, get them use to each others scents, nine times out of ten you'll find them spending time as close to each other within a few days.  When introducing them have a lid for a plastic container ready, if things start to get rough, seperate them with the lid.  Prehaps share their bedding, food and water containers, so they get the scent of the other one without feeling like their territory is being taken over.  Lastly just short meetings when you do introduce them, always on neutral territory and keep using the vanilla, it Does work.  Good Luck!!

  2. Rats, like everyone else, have individual personalities and occasionally just don't like each other.  On the other paw, you might want to try placing both cages near each other so the girls can see, hear & smell each other but not be able to reach each other through the bars.  This way they'll have some interaction & *may* become friends in time.

    If either rat begins "huffing" this is simply how they warn each other not to get too close.  As long as they can't touch each other, don't worry about it.  Not all rats will do it, and the longest I've ever seen it last was 2 weeks.  In any case, wait a couple weeks (longer if either has been huffing), then put each rat in the other's cage so they can get even more accustomed to the other rat's scent.  

    Keep switching cages & observe them carefully over the next several days.  You'll probably have a good idea of whether they should be re-introduced.  Good luck.

    I've heard about using vanilla, but never tried it myself.

  3. Do not re introduce them again and also refrain from using vanilla to scent them. Territorial issues. Seek advice from the vet before further attempts.  

  4. No more vanilla scent, doesnt do anyone any good.  Dont re into them, they're gonna rip each other to shreds.....get a new cage for the new rat and thats that....didnt the vet tell you all of this?  

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