
How to properly steralize a needle?

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Hey, Im piercing my belly button, I know its stupid. PLEEEEEEASE dont tell me to go to a pro because iv made up my entire mind, done ALOT of research and nothing will change my mind =] Plz just answer the question! I dont know how to PROPERLY steralize a needle and please dont say light it, because i want to do it the proper way. Call me an idiot if you want, just make sure you answer the question =]




  1. autoclave

  2. An autoclave is the ONLY way to truly sterile something; it uses time, pressure, and heat to ensure that everything is removed.  If you've done "a lot of research" like you claimed, you should have known this.

  3. Soak the needle in alcohol.  

  4. how do we know ur not gonna like do drugs with this steril needle? jk lol! try alcohol! (like cleaning alocohol not drinking) and then rince it for a while befor peircing it cause you dont want alcohol in you bloodstream lol ur BAL could go up :P

    but be carfull cause a belly button ring is alot thicker than a needle and the belly button rings curves (the needle doesnt)  i tried peircing my own bellybutton(didnt go to well, those being the resons) lol im not trying to convince you out of it! im just giving you the facts! good luck! hope i helped.

  5. you can try rubbing alchohol or an iodine pad out of the first aid kit. this is what I do if I need to lance a boil or get a sliver out.

    My dad used to burn the end of a needle and then stick it in boiling water to sterlise it. this will kill germs but might dull it a bit. Also its not just about the needle, you need a clean work surface so make sure you have a clean place to set the needle before you go about poking holes in your skin. I usually have sterile packaged gauze on hand. Be sure sure to clean your skin too and wear gloves.  A sterile needle won't do you any good if nothing else is clean. Be careful

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