
How to properly take the pill?

by  |  earlier

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When I was on the pill I would take one daily until the end of the pack and then start on the new one.

A friend of mine recently told me that I wasn't doing it right.

She takes the pill, one a day, until she gets her period.. and no matter how many more are for the current pack to end, she'll toss 'em and start on day one from the next pack. Is this right?

I would only get my period once I reached the placebo pills so I see why it would be ok to not take those.. but I thought the pills put your body in a certain rhythm.. shouldn't you have a concise schedule?

What is the proper way to take the pill?




  1. There are 2 different kinds of pills (with and without placebo). In general you should always wait for your period and only after that you should start a new package. Discover all correct instructions below.

  2. You're supposed to read the bit paper that comes with the pills?

    Every pill is different. I was put on the pill by my doctor at the age of 14 due to my periods being impossible to handle and I was becoming very ill. The first one I was on, I took 21 tablets then 3days later my period came. On the 5th day of my period I started the next pack. However, you could run them back to back.

    The ones I am on now are a bit different but pretty much the same idea..

    To be sure, read the instruction thing.

  3. You take all the pills in  the pack, one a day, until they are gone. This includes the placebo pills.  Sometimes the doctor will instruct you to do otherwise, in which case however the doctor says.

  4. The correct way is to take your pill every day at the same time.  You take the placebo pills just to keep you on your daily routine.  Your friend is at a high risk for getting pregnant.  Keep your routine up, and tell your friend shes doing it wrong!!!

  5. Both of you are wrong.

    You take one pill a day for 21 days, then have a 7 day break, where you do not take it. During these 7 days you will have your period. The after the 7 days you start taking it again.

  6. I agree with you. I've had my period since I was 11 and the doctor put me on pills even back then to regulate me. You should never mess with your schedule. Always take one pill the same time everyday until you get to the placebo pills. All my OBGYN's told me the correct way is what you mentioned, to get your body into a rhthym, you are doing it correctly.

  7. Neither of you are taking it right!!  How long have you been taking the pill for?? Im on a combination pill (you know, both Oestrogen & Progesterone) but not sure about the Oestrogen only pill/ mini pill?

    You start your first pack on the very first day of your period. From then on you have to finish the whole pack (all 21 pills) and taking each pill around the same time every day(preferably within the hour). At the end of the pack you stop taking the pills for 7days...that means you dont go on and start a new one. You should get a period within this time. When the week is over, you should be back to the same day that you started the pack on. You may still have some bleeding even when the week is up but that does'nt matter Do you get it now? I hope this helps.

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