
How to propose a girl with whome I had a crush while driving? She is on a car near to mine !!!?

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How to propose a girl with whome I had a crush while driving? She is on a car near to mine !!!?




  1. What is the hurry to propose? Develop friendship with her. Enjoy / cherish your friendship, see for yourself for some time how both of you get along. If find suitable then make further moves.

    Real life is far different than common film stories!!! if one is genuine about life and relationships.

  2. Stop her right next to a traffic signal and propose her there itself.

  3. Drive up next to her, get her attention, point to her, then to your heart, then hold up a ring, smile, and hold up a sign saying "Will you marry me? Honk!"...Thats adorable.

  4. Hold a sign out the window!!

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