
How to prove I don't live there?

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My boyfriend our 3 kids and his mother rent a 2 bedroom apartment. I technically do not live there but I am there daily to watch and visit my children. Recently the property manager from the building has served us a three day notices stating that I am living in the apartment and I am not on the lease. My full name is mentioned in the 3 day notice which is odd because nobody who is involved has ever even mentioned my name let alone my last name. I received one letter there by mistake and we think the manager must of went through our mail and seen it. Since she cant admit to doing that she has stated that my boyfriend and his mother admitted to her that I live there which is totally not true especially because I don't live there. None of my clothes are there all my mail except for that one mistake letter go to the address I live at and even though I am at the apartment daily I do not spend the night. I would love to stay with my children and my boyfriend but at this time I have to watch my ill mother at nights when there is nobody else around she cannot be left alone. So how can we prove this to this manager who is not acting very professional at all we feel she is trying to push our buttons by saying we admitted something to her which we know we never did. We our located in Colma Daly city in california.




  1. The only way you can prove it is utilty bills.

  2. Can you provide utility bills that prove you live elsewhere? Or your driving licence in another address?

  3. punch her in the face and tell her to grow up?

  4. do you have a tenancy agreement from another property that you live in? or current bills in another address??

    i think that's the only way to prove you don't live there, otherwise its just her word against yours!

    surely tho even a tenant has the right to visitors?!!? she sounds like she is being overly picky!!

  5. Provide proof of your residence. Bank statements, bills, driving licence, rent book/tenancy agreement or mortgage details to show that you have another address.

  6. get every bit of paper work from bills to wage slips which have your proper address on it and take it to your local service which helps with these types of problems.

    As long as you can prove you live else where you don't need to prove you live with your boyfriend because the paper work will speak for itself.

    Don't let this woman bully you,you have rights and make sure you stand up for yourself,,good luck

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