
How to pull an all nighter?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so it's like 4 A.M. and I'm kind of tired but I'm gonna try and stay up all night although I don't know why...So..Uh...Any tips?




  1. Lol whenever I pull an all nighter,

    what keeps me awake is a few cups of coffee.

    & MYSPACE.

    If you star talking to someone you just can't stop.

    I also edit a lot of pictures but that's just me.

  2. Usually it's the brightness of the tv screen and looking directly at it that keeps me awake for so long

  3. I happen to be pulling an all nighter myself xD Though its not really by choice for me (has chronic insomnia)

    Well, what I would suggest is, if possible, have as much light on as possible, avoid caffeine; though it does boost your energy for a little, once the sugar has run it's course, you'll be even more tired than before.

    Try not staying still for too long; I tend to doze off if I stay still for too long (though tonight that doesn't seem to be helping...). Occupy yourself with things like the computer, stimulating games, TV shows or music; ie., fast paced music, something exciting on TV, something bright colored and attention getting online. Try not to lay down much; I've gone through so many nights, nearly reaching sun rise, when I decide to put my head on the pillow for just a few seconds, and I end up sleeping anyway.

    Don't play Pokemon games. I know this sounds stupid, but Pokemon games ALWAYS put me to sleep when I'm trying to stay awake; the game is so slow-paced, with dull colors, that you can fall asleep pretty quickly. Try a video game like guitar hero (if you play on medium mode, step it up and play on hard, on a hard song; your fingers will be preoccupied and the bright colors and coordination of the game can sometimes wake someone up. When I'm really tired, I play Through The Fire And Flames on Expert :D

    That's all the advice I have ;P

  4. Do a lot of varied activities, go for a walk, run up and down stairs, watch tv, work on a crossword/sudoku puzzle, maybe bake something, do some laundry/ironing dishes - if you keep changing it up you'll stay awake.

    Although just staying on Yahoo Answers and going through the Polls & Surveys questions will likely keep you awake as well.

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