
How to pull of the perfect spike in volleyball?

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Im a highschool volleyball player and struggle with spiking a volleyball properly. My spike is very unpredictable, sometimes it can be the perfect spike, and other times it could be really newbie looking. What do i have to remember to consistantly pull of a proper spike?

P.S. My weaknesses are in timing and form (mid-air)




  1. The number one key in volleyball spiking is to know your setter. After no have played with him for a while timing should definitley come down in to play. As for form...think of your body as a whip( hip is the handle, and fingers are the tip). Try making a whiping motion with those body parts, snap down your wrist as in comes in contact with the ball. This should make solid but conttrolabe contact.

  2. have fun!

  3. Im a left outside hitter and a middle hitter. I had problesm with timeing too. Infact, sometimes I still have them! But it's ok. When I hit left out, Im never always on the 10foot line. I'm slightly off the 10foot line and kinda outside of the court then I approach. These are something your body should be farmiliar with and you better get used to it!! LEFT- RIGHT - LEFT - JUMP. Also, you start approaching when the ball is at its highest point. Make sure both your arms are up and swing hard with your right arm. Also, what I notice in alot of people who has great swing, but always goes out of line are people who doesnt SNAP their wrists! You HAVE TO SNAP your wrist. Otherwise, it's not even a real spike. It's kinda of like a down ball.

  4. U need an approarch. left, right, left, jump and hit. u have to keep the ball in front of u all the times, so wait for the ball to leave the setter's hands. Keep straight, open ur hand, snap ur wrist,  DON'T swing across ur body. don't bend ur elbow, keep hitting arm straight. Hope that helps. Good luck!

  5. Work on your footwork.  Mark off a 10 foot line somewhere in your house or your yard.  Do your approach.  Land and then hustle back and do your approach again.  Do 10 as fast as you can.  Take about 1 minute off.  Do 10.  1 minute off.  Do at least 10 sets of 10.  

    You will never be able to spike if you are thinking about your feet.  

    If you find a partner to work with, have them toss the ball for you.  However, you should work on a short toss.  When I am the tosser, I watch the approach and swing one time.  I toss the ball trying to hit the hand.  That way, the hitter gets confidence hitting the ball.  If the hit goes out or in the net, it is because of the toss.  There is no timing for the hitter in this drill.  You can work on the feel of hitting the ball regularly.  

    After doing these two things, you should work on the regular hitting.  Hit, hit some more and then hit some more after that.  The more you hit, the higher percentage of good hits you will have.  Keep practicing.

  6. from my experience, it's because i jump too late. so jump earlier (assuming you're a decent jumper). and remember, it's not always about power. placement works wonders. i've been able to kill off of roll shots right to corners and lines and tips to holes in the defense.

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