
How to put a travel route map on a web page?

by Guest58176  |  earlier

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We are about to go on a round the world trip and I want to have a map on our web page that shows the places we are headed, and preferably where we are. I have looked at Google maps some, but can't seem to get it to draw lines between the places and the documentation is lacking. We may try to imbed this in a Google site, or make it a gadget if I end up using Google.

I would love to be able to say:

Dublin IE from Sept 12th - 21

Oslo Norway Sept 22-25

Reykjavik Iceland Sept 26-Oct 1


and end up with a map that shows the route. Straight lines are ok, but curved would be nicer. And then if someone hovers over the city it would say when we will be there. Last would be a way to tie it to photos etc.





  1. Have you tried using Google's custom maps?  The "My Maps" option lets you create your own maps and draw lines between the cities.  You'd have to add the annotations as map pegs, but one cool feature is that you can specify a custom icon for a map peg, which means you can use your own uploaded photos as the map icons.  You can also embed img tags in the description fields.

    Finally, once you've created the map, you can embed it in a separete website.  Click on the "Link" option in Google Maps and it will auto-generate HTML code to embed in your own site.

    For example:

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