
How to put in contacts?

by Guest64202  |  earlier

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I am having trouble putting in contacts. They stick to my finger and won't attach to my eye! Please help! How do I get them to stop sticking to my finger?




  1. Hey there,

    Calm down and be patient. I know you can do it.

    They aren't meant to stick to your finger flat but rather, sitting on the tip of it, round like a bowl. If you have problems getting the contacts out of the case, I suggest you look for a pair of plastic tweezers in the shops. I have one of them and they make the job easier.

    Also, blinking or moving your eyes while putting them in will cause the contact to fold up, requiring you to start over.

    This is normal when you first start on them. Everything should be smooth in around a week.

    Best of luck! :)

  2. wet your fingers and have them clean. If they are dirty, they will attract with the contact.

  3. I would assume you put it over your eye then close your eye as best and slowly if you have to until you feel it in your eye

    for example:

    ) = contact           -- = finger


    slowly close your eye and slowly remove your finger.

  4. Wet your finger just a bit...probably need to get a little closer with the contact it should just suck itself onto your eye. It just takes practice.

  5. its easy! all you need to do is put alot of solution of your finger and on the actual contact. the only reason the contact is sticking to your finger is because it is dry so you just need to moisten it up a little bit. if that still doesnt work, when you are putting the contact in your eye and it has stuck to it then slowly put your eyelid down so that it stops your finger from sticking to it.

    hope this helps!

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