
How to put on makeup?

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i really need to start learning on how i should put on makeup but mostly eyeliner because whenever i try i end up closing my eye any help!?!?!




  1. hold your eye open with the free hand.


    get a good primer for your face. this will help keep your make up where you want it, and even out your skin tone. apply it all over using a circular motion, don't use too much... just a dab works. try not to get it in your eyebrows.


    Get a good foundation: mineral powder foundations are the best- or if you must, get smartshade by almay... it's probably best for newer make-up users because it adjusts to your natural shade. if you use the powder, do not apply too much. spin a good quality kabuki brush in it, and then tap it twice on the rim of the foundation. apply to face, again, avoid eyebrows.

    third: concealer

    apply concealer to the dark areas on your face, and blend in a circular motion. make sure you get a color that matches your skin tone. concealer is where most people have trouble.

    fourth: blush

    apply blush, starting at the very top of the cheekbone- even as far back as your hairline, and sweep the brush down. you don't want the blush to stand out too much

    fifth: bronzer

    get your kabuki brush and spin and tap like you did for foundation. start at the top of your eyebrows, and in a circular motion sweep the brush around your eye and on your cheek bone... to about where your blush ended. do this once for each side. you don't want "dab" marks, so be careful

    sixth: eyeliner

    apply to the inside of the eyelid, top and bottom, apply to the outside of eyelid, right above and below eyelashes. try to get the eyeliner as close to the eyelash as possible. then smudge. smudge downward into the eyelash. certain eyeliners have a smudge brush included.

    seventh: eyeshadow

    darkest shade closest to your eye lash. less is more here. about mid- eyelid, apply an accent color, and on the bone apply a lighter color. try getting almay's eye color shadows- they really make your eyes pop and they provide more indepth instructions.

    eighth: mascara

    get an eyelash curler, once you've become more handy with it, you can heat it up with a blow dryer to make your eyelashes curl more- but for now, don't heat it up. get a good mascara- Lash Blast (in orange tube) is great, and get an eyelash/brow comb. (they're tiny little combs) Comb oout your eyelashes. apply mascara. comb eyelashes again to get out clumps, and curl.  it helps if you spin the mascara as you are putting it on to minimize clumps... in some cases, even wiggling the mascara helps.

    nineth: eyebrows

    get a clear mascara or a mascara that matches your hair color. rinse out eyelash comb, and use it to comb your eyebrows. lightly apply mascara to your eyebrows to make them more defined. be careful not to get to dark. you want them to still look natural... if you do get too much on, use your eyelash come to take some out. this is a very tricky part too, and its probably best if you wait to try it once you've had more experience with mascara.

    tenth: VISINE

    apply 2 drops of visine to each eye to take away the redness from the makeup. be careful not to cry from it though, 'cause that will ruin your makeup.

    ELEVENTH!!: most important step

    check your chin, ears, and neck. if you can tell that you're wearing make up, you have one of two choices

    a) apply make up to all visible parts to make sure they match

    b) start over.

    you don't want people to tell that you're wearing make-up... so if you can tell, than maybe you have the wrong shades of foundation, etc.

    Good luck!!


  3. try youtube.  

  4. This really works and it's so easy to cake eyeliner...looks like eyeshadow.comes in different colors..if your eyes are green try plum...wet and wild makes this...then buy a thin eyeliner wet the brush and stroke it across the cake's like painting..but it's very easy to control..just one line and it's done.draw it out at the corners...looks fantastic and makes your eyes look very s**y...good luck.

  5. Just try and im sure your going to get better

  6. You may like to consult a professional. Go to ur local department store, and to the makeup section. If you ask one of the people at those little counter things (u know, the ones that do professional makeup)

    Or, i could try and tell u!

    use a finger to stretch ur eyelid (when its closed) and then lightly draw a thin line of eyeliner onto the rim of ur eye, just above ur eyelashes. as u become more confident, or want to go for a diff look, press harder with the pencil.

  7. pull the outer corner of your eye out & then line the top of your eye.  look up while lining the bottom.  it's one of those things like putting in contacts-tricky @ first but after a week or so you finally get it.  if that doesn't help, go in to one of the make-up counters in the mall and have them assist you, you don't have to purchase anything.  good luck

  8. putting on makeup well comes with practice just start with a little makeup and practice alot you will definitely get better

  9. How old are you??

    I just wanna say, people always wear eyeliner ON their eyelid-the part above the eyelashes. You are not supposed to, it WILL cause infection. Just wear it right under. That's all I can say.

    Why don't you ask your mom?
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