
How to put primary picture on my friendster?

by  |  earlier

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my friend put a primary picture on my friendster and i want to change it but i don't know how? please




  1. <span class="lafm"></span><img src="" width="1" height="1" alt=""/>
    <style> body { background-color:000000; background-image:url(; background-position:center center; background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment:fixed; } table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} table table table {background:transparent;} table table table td { background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity:0.8; opacity:0.8; -khtml-opacity:0.8; } table table table table td {filter:none;} table table table { border-width:3px; border-color:FF99CC ; border-style:double; } table table table table {border:0px;} input {background-color:transparent !important;} td, span, div, input, textarea, a, table td div div font, div table tr td font {font-family:papyrus !important;} td, span, div, input, textarea, table td div div font,div table tr td font {color:FF99CC !important; font-size:9pt !important;} .nametext, .whitetext12, .lightbluetext8, .orangetext15, .blacktext12, .blacktext12 span,.redtext, .redbtext, .blacktext10, .btext {color:FF99CC !important; font-size:9pt !important;} a {color:FF99CC !important; font-size:9pt !important;text-decoration:none !important; text-transform:none !important; font-weight:normal !important; font-style:normal !important;} a:hover {color:FF99CC !important; text-decoration:none !important; text-transform:none !important; font-weight:normal !important; font-style:normal !important;} a.text, table div font a, table div div {visibility:hidden;} table table div font a, table table div div {visibility:visible;} img {border:0px;} .blacktext10 { border-top-width:1px; border-bottom-width:0px; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-color:FF99CC ; border-style:solid; display:block; width:260px;} body, textarea, div { scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color:FF99CC ; scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FF99CC ; scrollbar-arrow-color:FF99CC ; scrollbar-track-color:000000;} .bbzProfileGenerator {version:1.3;} .contactTable { width:300px !important; height:150px !important; padding:0px !important; background-image:url(; background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:transparent;} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td { padding:0px !important; border:0px; background-color:transparent; background-image:none;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;} .contactTable a {display:block; height:28px; width:115px;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;} .contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none !important;} .contactTable .whitetext12 {display:none;} table table table td {vertical-align:top ! important;} span.blacktext12 { visibility:visible !important; background-color:transparent; background-image:url(""); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center; width:435px; height:450px; display:block !important; font-size:0.0em; letter-spacing:-5px;} span.blacktext12 span, span.blacktext12 img {display:none;} .bbzV:after { content: "Hybrid Generator"; }
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