
How to quit a job in sears?

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how to quit a job in sears?

I am currently working in sears as a cashier. I've been there for 3 months but I found a better job now..

Can I just have one week notice to my supervisor?

How should I explain to my supervisor that I want to quit on my job? Should I write a resignation letter?

pls help me..




  1. You should write a letter of resignation.  You need it in writing so the supervisor can't say you didn't inform him/her.  You should also give at least 2 weeks notice if at all possible.  Any less and they might not appreciate it.  There's no reason to burn bridges.  You may seek a better job with them in the future.  You never know.  

    Just give the basics.  Along the lines of:


    Supervisors name

    I regret to inform you that I will be quitting my job (position if you wish to state it) with (company name) as of (date).

    your name

    No reason is necessary but your boss may ask you.  You can tell him if you wish, or just say you don't wish to talk about it.  Your choice.  I have always told my boss why when I've left jobs.  There's no reason not to in most cases.  

    Whenever I've looked for other jobs, in the place for date available I've always put:  Upon 2 weeks notice to my present employer.

    I hope your new job works out.

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