
How to "close up" a zit?

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I had a monster zit, it was huge. It started with this whitehead I had by my nose for months you couldn't even see, that somehow turned into this huge painful cyst this week! After three days, I popped it, and now I have a hole, it's weird becuase around it it's all dried up and yet that hole just stays there. It looks weird when I cover it becuase it just seems to stick "around" the "hole". ANy suggestions how to close this up or at least hide it? I've been trying Neosporin at night!




  1. your probably need to see a dermatologist, it sounds like a pretty bad scar, don't cover it, don't pick at it, medicine  might help but you do need to see a doctor or it could get worse.

  2. I wouldn't put anything on it. Everything you put on it is just going to go inside the hole. I usually put rubbing alcohol on it to disinfect it so that it can heal faster. After applying the alcohol (it hurts because it's disinfecting) then it will fill itself in with a hard amber like substance that will protect it, keeping it closed. Then you just have to leave it alone so that it can heal.  

  3. Toothpaste! Colgate it the best!

    Sleep with it on and in the morning rinse it off pat it dry and ur good!

    Try some lighter make-up it you want it to not stick "around" the hole!

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