
How to raise 2500 in a year ???

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iam want to go on a trip to CA in 2010 but i need to raise 2500 dollars i need help how should i do this and something other then my mom paying me and sometihng other then a job cause iam starting one so how should i make more money !!!!!!!!!! really soon




  1. ebay is always a good way. I had some nice clothes and other things that were in good condition but i had no use for them anymore so i took on the task of putting pictures and things up. Depends on how much ull make with the things you have to offer but every little bit counts

  2. surveys?


    thats one of the sites i use for making some extra cash

    you could also try affiliate selling with GDI

    (that can be a profitable one if you know how to promote stuff)

    hope i helped,

    - Dave

  3. You can visit The Gift Palace for anything from great gift ideas to Sub-Wholesaler opportunities which will enable you to make money for yourself and Fundraising ideas that would help you build your business or personal finances.

  4. What are your skills and interests? What can you do or sell that others are willing to pay for??? Without knowing you, it's pretty hard for any of us to tell you what you are capable of doing or not doing so it's pretty much left up to you to decide. Whatever you do, concentrate on helping people either make money, save money, save time or get peace of mind. Those are the motivations for people to buy or hire. Here are a few ideas:

    Sell energy efficient light bulbs, non toxic cleaners, and other "green" products or services

    Design your own brand of t-shirt (your own logo) or bumper sticker or other photo product that can be the next rage ... use your passion to create a new fashion

    Ask local businesses for permission to sell their overstock/closeout merchandise online or through a catalog or ???.

    Learn about furniture refinishing and offer your services to strip, stain, paint or otherwise spruce up good quality items for budget conscious customers.

    Write a newsletter based on a favorite topic. Just 250 customers at $10 a year in profit will give you your goal (plan on more because of the costs of business)

    Create a window washing service!!! That's a job people hate doing themselves and a decent client list (and referrals) can easily bring you $10 to $25 per customer. It won't take long to get the $$$ you want... and more!!!

    Sell homemade candies or cookies or other desserts to local office buildings or at various shows. Get the food permits and other legal and financial issues under control.

    I could go on and on with ideas of products and services that people either want or need but just picking up the newspaper will show you trends in your neighborhood that might just spark interest. Talk to your family, friends, neighbors ... chances are they have common problems or needs that YOU can solve for them. That's what business is all about!!!

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