
How to react when i am meeting an unknown girl officially..?

by Guest57078  |  earlier

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I have never seen her. my and her family have fixed our meeting. Everyone from her family is going to come. They will give us some privacy to talk. I am really shy. I have many friends who are girls, but never spoke to someone this way. How should i start our conversation? What all things should i avoid? What should i speak?

And after the conversation if we both like each other than its cool, but if anyone of us would dislike...i think its going to be a big insult...if she rejects me, i will feel really insulted...all my family members will look down on me. And if i dont like her, and say no for it, it will be a big insult for her....I am really confused about this meeting.

There is no option of a telephonic or internet conversation before the meeting. There is no way we can talk to each other before this meeting. Its all going be be right there, instant. I dont want to sound or look stupid because of excitement or anything. Please help.




  1. d**n your screwed. be charming and polite. joke a little. ask questions get to know each other. dont s***w up. theres no wrath like family members. good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hm. You're in quite a pickle, ne? I suggest you talk about yourself..ask about her..maybe you'll have something in common! Just be yourself! <3

  3. act okay.

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