
How to read fractional odds in hockey betting?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am a novice ice hockey bettor, and in need of expert hockey betting assistance. Please help me know, how to read fractional odds in hockey betting?




  1. Fractional odds in hockey betting are displayed just as it sounds, in fractions. A favorite may have odds of 5/8, meaning a handicapper would win $5 for every $8 wagered, if their team wins.

    1/2 is equal to -200 in money line odds. A $100 wager on a team with 1/2 odds would pay $50 in profit, for a total return of $150. A $200 wager on a team with 8/5 odds would pay $320 in profit, for a return of $520 ($200/5 = 40. 40 x 8 = $320 payout + $200 original wager = $520 total payout).

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