
How to read lines of railway/subway in Japan. ?

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does anyone know how to read the lines of subway ? this is the most complicated map i have ever to try to figure out..




  1. its just reverse essentially nothing to worry about.

  2. You'd better use these maps for knowing where rails run in Tokyo.

    (not Japan anyway)


    There are so many lines in Tokyo. You have to learn. It is actually complicated but also very convenient if you know what's going on.

    All of trains there run so frequently, inexpensively and effectively for people who live in tokyo and the outskirts.

    It is very simple how to read. The line of each color is one train system. There are stations on the lines. The upper  is North and right is East. The center of  map is always Ko-kyo, the Emperor Palace.

    You'll soon take hints, like where is Tokyo, Shibuya, Shinjuku and Ueno and how far or close those each others are not by real scale but just rough feeling.

  3. Once you're in Tokyo it's a lot easier to figure out. Their official map is also better that that one.

    You can download the official one here:

    The site is very informative.

    I think the main thing you need to know is the stations aren't always on the same line.

    Sometimes if you want to change lines to get to a particular part in tokyo, you will need to LEAVE the metro station and walk a couple of blocks to the new station to continue your journey. (Don't worry, there are signs and maps everywhere!

    Also, the rail lines are owned by different companies, so you may need to buy another ticket to continue.

    I wouldn't worry though. They don't have ticket inspectors. If your ticket doesn't work/isn't the right one, you can go to the booth next to the exit and pay for an adjustment.

    It's easy to get around. Have fun in Tokyo. It's an amazing city.

  4. What's so complicated about it?It's just the subway in Tokyo. If you wanna put the JR lines into it,it's gonna be 3 times as messy as this.

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