
How to read literature like a professor ?

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what are some situations from the bible to which foster discusses are usually seen in other works ? if u know a page number that would be really helpful thanks

#2 list at least 3 works and each works reference to the bible ? once again page numbers would be awsome !




  1. What grade are you in?  At any rate, I can't understand most of what you've written here.

  2. I'm afraid the only way to REALLY get to sound, write and read aloud like a professor is to REALLY study the subject matter.  Having studied more than one source and perspective goes a long way when it comes to having lively debates and discussions.

    When it comes to reading and studying the Judeo-Christian Bible, my recommendation is to not necessarily try and memorize the script and verse word for word.  Rather, read the story.  Grow to understand it and how it ties in to other stories.  Even in the old Testament, there are a number of stories that relate even though they are seemingly unrelated.   Often times, the stories are based on a lesson or principle.  If you can understand the take home message, you may be able to then better see how it relates to others.

    I know a great many of the thumpers here in my neck of the woods will strongly disagree, but I would recommend avoiding the King James Version.  It's not well written, not very accurate in translation and is chock full of "Thee's and Thou's."  No one in biblical times spoke that way.  They only spoke that way during the time period of King James.  Read the preface.  There, it will explain who wrote the translations, their educational backgrounds and may even list their reference sources.  For me personally, I like both the New International Version as well as the Chronological Bible.  The latter is not just your average, run of the mill reiteration.  Instead, it breaks all of those stories down into a timeline presentation and attempts to allign Psalms written with the events that imspired them.

  3. page 666

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