
How to receive a Texas license at 16?

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My parents have really been procrastinating on getting my license for the last year. I do not have a permit. I am 16, 17 in about 6 months. They have called some driver's ed schools with classes I could complete within 3 weeks in June. What I don't understand is if the classes will just get my permit or my license? Also, if I just get my permit, do I still have to hold it for 6 months with the same restrictions? If it will just get my permit, I find it pointless and a waste of money to take the classes. I could just go to the DPS office and wait the 6 months for $300 less! Details pleeease!




  1. Should take drivers education in school. It is easier and less expensive.

  2. Have to follow the rules, thank goodness!!!

  3. Driver's Ed schools require a permit, you should get it the first week you are there.  They will handle this for you.  You then are on a permit for the next 6 months.  You will be required to drive with an adult in the front seat for 6 months.  You will complete the class in 3 weeks but, at the 6 month mark you will go back and take your DMV driving test with the Driver's Ed school.  If you pass the test, you will receive a license.

    My son just did this last summer and received his license in Feb '08.  Do the school.  Statistics show that home schooled drivers are prone to more accidents or issues.  Good luck.

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