
How to recognize a potentially disloyal woman?

by Guest21363  |  earlier

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How to recognize a potentially disloyal woman?




  1. All people are potentially disloyal. Loyalty is formed and recognized within a covenant, an emotional intimacy forged between lovers.  If you have not formed that place of emotional intimacy with a partner and have objectified her instead and visa versa, that covenant cannot form and then "loyalty" is merely an agreement that can be canceled ethically at any time per contract terms, as with business arrangements. Partners who are "surprised" by disloyalty and do not see it coming have only a contract with the partner, not a covenant.  Learning how to form that place of intimacy is part of Erikson's Stages of Human development, Intimacy vs. Isolation.

  2. She's really really attractive.

  3. A woman that would sleep with you on the first date.

  4. Considering that women can fake orgasms, there is no definitive way to determine disloyalty.

    The only certain method is to hire a private detective.  

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