
How to reduce my electric metre reading to save electricity.?

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  1. The only legal way is to reduce your electricity consumption. This can be done by improving insulation, sealing windows and doors better (if you own the property), setting heating lower in winter and cooling higher in summer. In other words don't waste power trying to heat too much in winter and cool too much in summer. Change how you dress inside and change bedding to suit the season. Set your hot water temperature lower and don't waste hot water. Wash in cold water. Have shorter showers.

    Turn off lights not in use. Replace bulbs with low energy mini flouro bulbs.

    Turn off appliances not in use at the wall, don't leave them on standby.

    These are ways without spending money on different technology. The other alternative is to spend capital on other technologies eg on solar hot water if suitable in your area and double glazing windows if not already done.

  2. # 1 states a solution in the very first sentence, Reduce usage.

       That can be accomplished in many ways, though the difference in cost may be negligible.

       Turn off lights when not in a room. Turn off ceiling fans, when not in a room. Turn off the comp. when not in use. ANY "SOFT OFF" appliance or device is constantly drawing some power, albeit minimal.

       Increase your comfort zone in hotter months, Reduce temps in your comfort zone in Winter months.

       If you're going to be away for any extended periods turn off your water heater.

       Switch to spiral florescent bulbs instead of incandescents. Use fewer halogens.

       Seal windows and doors better, check insulation above, keep blinds closed on the Sun sides of the house through the day, open windows after dark for cooler temps.

       Check with the utility provider for averaging plans.

  3. The only way to do this is to reduce electric use.  

    I know that many devices are sold, until the seller is caught, promising a magic box that will reduce your bill - but they do not.

    Reduce use by more efficient equipment, better insulation, warmer thermostat setting in summer and cooler thermostat setting in winter, etc.

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