
How to reduce political apathy among youths...............?

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How to reduce political apathy among youths...............?




  1. who cares

  2. ask teens what they want from political figures .no one ever listens to teens in there views and matters. if more people did there would be less problems because teens are insightful. well some anyway

  3. Reinstate the draft!  When I was in high school, young men and even women were able  all very 'politically aware'.  Because the war in Vietnam was going on and we (the guys anyway) had the draft hanging over our heads as soon as we graduated or turned 18.  We all knew about the war and how we felt about it and whether or not we wanted to go, and we could all explain our feelings one way or the other.  We got into some very interesting discussions.  We all knew how to stay out of the draft if we didn't want to go.  Some of my friends really believed in the war and wanted to go but most of us didn't.

    Democracy is not a spectator sport, it is a participation sport.  We Americans don't participate enough, and that's one reason for a lot of our problems.  When things get painful enough, we get back into the game.  This year more and more young people are learning about the issues and registering to vote, and I think that's a good thing.  It's a good thing no matter how they vote, because if they care enough to vote, they will care enough to stick around and follow the news and see how their vote turned out, and they might vote more wisely next time.

    So that's another way to reduce political apathy--have a big recession, high interest rates, high inflation, and high unemployment.  8^<

  4. I don't care .. do what you want.

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