
How to reduse water pollution with zero financial investment?

by Guest64322  |  earlier

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an innovative campaign to reduce the eutrophication process and water stagnation with zero investment. the campaign designed should be able to produce tangible results. the campaign should be innovative, original, effective and practical.




  1. by throwing out the wastes of industrial , house hold, and other wastes into some dust bin, with out throwing into water

  2. The biggest folly of environmental thinking is that pollution reduction is expensive.  But...

    What causes pollution?

    Human consumption, which is itself expensive.  Reduce consumption (lots of comfortable ways to do that in reducing waste), you reduce pollution, and often reduce expenditure as well.

    The seond thing to remember is that poluting and waste are only financially efficient if costs are externalized.  Buy cheap styrofoam cup, pay more to landfill it later.  Buy costlier biodegrabable fiber cup, pay little further costs.  Upfront, the foam is cheaper, but overall, the two may be same or the fiber cup may be cheaper.

    When one focuses on total cost of our actions, rather than upfront costs, the concept of zero investment becomes a lot more approchable.

    Eutrophication is caused directly and indirectly by the above two factors.  Reduce the amount of stuff we have to build, means fewer processes draiing into waterways.  More importantly, make factories pay for their damage (or mitigating it) up front, rather than taxing or fining them after the damge is done, which usually is more expensive for them anyway.  

    With internalized costs, the market is the best way to protect the environment.

  3. O.K., you have my support. Now delineate the exact process from A to Z. It is nice and easy to come up with the "concept". Now let's list the steps necessary and where is the funding coming from. Oh, yeah, EVERYTHING cost something to someone. Nothing is FREE (zero financial investment).

    Even when people power is needed, there's a cost in people's time and efforts. That translates to "investment". So get your paper and  pencil and write down "how" each step will be accomplished.

    Stay focus and don't get discouraged if you find there isn't anyway possible to devise something with zero investment. Money makes the world go 'round. Love only makes the trip pleasant.

  4. reducing pollution begins with every person in the world. if everyone stops polluting the water by doing small practises, water would never be polluted.

    The thing that we should do is to make people aware of water pollution and involving everyone to stop water pollution.

  5. The Biggest pollution maker is the vehicle we use to travel if we reduce the use of vehicle then the investment will be reduced and the air will be clean to some extent. We can reduce using chemicals in our daytoday life and we can use the natural things so we can easily reduce the waterpollution by 10-20%

  6. It is not possible to prevent or even reduce water pollution on earth as long as human beings inhabit it.

    You are making it even more difficult, by asking it to be reduced without financial investment.

    Can you figure out a way that the devout do not pollute the Ganga?

    It is virtually impossible without massive education campaigns, sanitation infrastructure and behavior modification of the people. All of this requires huge outlays of investment.

  7. What do you trying to deal with water pollution or stagnation ?

    Often times trees and water plants tend to act as pollution reduction agents.

    First dont allow industries to send polluted waste into local water bodies rather ask them to treat it first.

    Some time back I had read that water hyacinth can absorb lead and other such chemicals from water, though it also tends to clog water flow.

    I think using trees and plants may be our best bet, though for water flow I dont know the solution.

  8. fist start at home use less soap dint throw anything in water if passiable allow rain water to teach the earth

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