
How to regain my paranormal "ability"?

by  |  earlier

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I used to see spirits and ghosts and i think my spirit guide my mom got freeked out ( 3 years) and searched how to say the words to make it stop on both ends but I think i am ready not i can also sometimes see the future etc. i want control over it and regain it full it will help me alot . What are ways to regain fully and be able to mature it more and control it. Or someone to help me access it i know a Real psychic could she help ?




  1. I too lost some of my abilities to a comma 10 years ago.I am luckily I met a lady who was a chandler,and she told me that restoring my abilities was going to be like building a foundation one brick at a have to relearn the gifts again an trust your instincts.she was right one the money!I not only regained my gift,but have learned many more than I ever thought I could.When you go through changes for what ever the reasons,like people who don't understand or are afraid of you or even become cruel.don't give up!and please do everything for the right reasons,that in its self  is hard enough.This is about doing good an helping others who might be in turmoil.Real psychics are wonderful if they guide you in your path......and remember its your path and journey!So keep to the small stuff an remember its a gift from your higher power,and used wrongly selfishly or to gain,could come back on you in threes. good luck and be safe in all you do,and all that you discover about you!Blessed be ...................! Bella

  2. Just believe you have it and it will come and you have to have the confidence to practise.

    Every time you meet someone tell them what will happen in the future and give them a psychic reading, this will make your spirit guide stronger.

  3. I understand. My; ability is'nt what it used to be.

    You need to be alot older than what you probably am now to reactivate your gift.

    You can pray to God about your talents.

    Read up all you can about the paranormal.

    When the time is right your gift will come back.

    If not, then it is not meant to be.

    Also, when having preminissions of the future you need to be very careful about your interpuitation of it.

    When it is concerning you or family members it is best to let fate or whatever play out. Unless you feel strongly about what you feel.

  4. If you ever had the ability, you have not lost it.  You have to meditate and practice.  It is liike any other talent. If you do not use it, you will lose it.

  5. I want to regain my "paranormal" ability also.  When I was very young, I always saw ghosts, spoke to them and they even had physical contact with me.  I always heard things and witnessed things and was so scared because I was young.  I still sometimes get those feelings again and I sometimes still see images or lights.  I just feel like I've lost most or all of my ability because I've let it go, or I was too scared when I was younger that I just wanted it to stop.  And like you, I also feel that if I see a psychic, I may get this ability back.  Don't be afraid though.  Be open about it like I am.  I want so bad to get this back and have been searching for someone to help me too.  I have a fourteen year old daughter who thinks she may have a little ability.  I tell her to go with it and keep believing what you know.  I know I couldn't help you, but I hope you know that you aren't the only one out there feeling the way you feel.

  6. Real phsychics,like me,should have their abilities under control before helping anyone. Your physchic friend should be able to help you. To fully regain your power of seeing spirits you have to be fully aware of the world around you. I'm not sure how to regain your future seeing(I forgot what it's called) except for practice.Good luck!

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