
How to relate Aviation with Economy?

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role of aviation sector in perticuler county's economy




  1. Depends on what type of aviation. The rich will always be rich if not richer that means charter and private jets will always be making money, flight schools and airlines however... if people are making less money - becoming a pilot and flying for travel will become more expensive (especially with fuel going through the roof) so......

  2. the airlines employ high volumes of people. aircraft parts manufactures make incredible profits (you spend $30 on a spark plug made for .80 cents). airliners consume gross quantities of petroleum. the list really goes on and on. most news websites have an aviation section in the business category

  3. This is very interesting subject because very few really under what aviation does for the economy and what it means.

    First who owns commercial aircraft?  Mostly large banks like Wells Fargo, B of A and many more.  The reason is they cost a lot of money for the airlines to purchase them out right.  It cost millions of dollars to run a major airline and that means they need millions of people in seats to make money.  Raise the cost of seat mile and you lower the number of people who will sit in the set and the airlines loses money.  Lower the seat price more people will fly and the airlines make more money.  

    So how seat mile affect the economy GREATLY.  Raise fuel costs, airport taxes, and ticket fees, parking fees, airline employee’s salaries and seat cost go up.  There is a point where passengers will not pay the seat price due to government fee’s on airline tickets like the security (TSA) tax, and city imposed taxes like landing fee’s.  Yep this is an economy buster called TAXES or user fees or what every name they call it.

    Second, who owns private jets?  Mostly companies and wealthy people who can afford them and write them off on taxes if operated as Part 135 on demand air taxi.  Wealthy people deserve what they can afford it’s the American way, if you earn it its yours.

    Third, who owns General Aviation aircraft?  Private individuals own the rest and this is the group to watch for changed in the economy.  Why because to own and operate a private aircraft you have to have disposable income.

    Take a look at private people purchasing new aircraft who are they and what is their income level?  Mostly white professional men and a few women working as doctors, lawyers, corporate members, and small business owners.  There are purchasing the new SR-22’s costing up to $500.000 and the new small business jets.

    I get up every morning and thank God for wealthy people because they drive the economy.  If there business is doing well they buy up and purchase new aircraft or have thousand dollar up-grades performed on their aircraft.  This creates jobs at all the Fix Base Operations (FBOs) and repair stations that maintain and fix things.  There are thousands of jobs this percent of wealthy people support.  And because of them it keeps the General Aviation airport open for the average small owners who fly on weekends.

    These small owners make up the general population at large.  If the economy is doing well they fly more and spend more money on their own aircraft, which keeps and creates aviation jobs for mechanics.

    Just one man’s opinion.

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