
How to remove Maintenance Required light on 2004 Honda Accord?

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My car's Maintenance Required light goes on every time it needs an oil change or maintenance. I usually take it to the dealer but it's getting too expensive. My husband wants to do an oil change at home and I was wondering how can we turn off that light. I heard you do it with the key. Does anyone know exactly how to do it?

Thanks in advance.




  1. i don't know if yours is the same but i had one a few years older and where the light is on the dash there are little slots you put your key in there and it resets.

  2. Put the key in II , press and hold button on dash and should work. If not call the dealer and tell them that you just got an oil change but the mechanic forgot to turn it off.  

  3. grasp the key firmly in hand.  jab it through the lamp.

  4. the book will tell you how it is done. off of the top of my head there are three ways to do it or at least three systems and i do not remember quite how it is done.  

  5. First you whip out a hammer.......

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