
How to remove a garlic clove after using for yeast infection?

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how do you get it out if you can't feel it anymore?




  1. Maybe it already came out? If you had any bowel movements during your treatment, the pressure and bulging of the movement next to the v****a may have 'pushed' it out then and you didn't realize it.

    Try to feel as high in the v****a as you can go, you may have just missed it the first time around.

    By the way, this method is a wonderful way to treat a yeast infection. Don't listen to the others that tell you otherwise.

  2. see, now do you regret not getting antibiotics? try a mirror and some tweezers.

    @highfive: "if it gets lodged it can cause infections" i believe the defination of that is irony.

  3. garlic contains natural antifungal substances that kill off yeast. it's my favorite home remedy for yeast infections; i always try it first, and it usually does the trick. to try it, find yourself a fresh clove of garlic and carefully peel all the papery skin off it. next, make a little tampony thing by wrapping it in gauze or cheesecloth, tying the ends with unwaxed dental floss, and leaving a bit of string dangling so you'll be able to pull it out afterward. now, believe it or not, insert it into your v****a. don't worry about losing it up there, because of course it can't get through your cervix. leave it in for several hours at a time, like overnight, and be sure to remove it in the morning. for early or mild infections, nighttime treatments may be enough; try several nights in a row, until one day after the symptoms disappear. if your infection is more severe, put a fresh clove in every morning and every night. (i find the dry gauze painful to insert, and unnecessary. most of my friends and i have found that an unwrapped clove shoved up there will eventually work its way out, and even if it doesn't just fall out it can usually be expelled by bearing down and squeezing like you are trying to take a dump. but don't try this unless you are willing to face the possibility of asking a friend or doctor to retrieve it later!) most sources say to be careful not to nick the clove as you are peeling it, maybe because the juice stings some people, but i don't know anyone who has had a problem with that. if this makes you nervous, you could also try the garlic capsules that are sold as a dietary supplement in many health food stores, but be sure to get the kind with a soft coating that will dissolve inside you. either way, it's fun to try: it makes your crotch taste divine, and you can walk around all day smirking to yourself, thinking how shocked people would be if they knew why it is that you reek of garlic. the downsides are that it's a fairly moderate treatment and won't work by itself for some really stubborn infections, and that a few people are allergic to garlic and can't go shoving it in their orifices without getting really sick.

  4. Well you should be able to just stick your finger in there and retrieve it the same way you put it in. But I would also like to add that anyone who buys any over the counter medications for a yeast infection is just retarded. The natural cures for everything is out there if you just open your eyes. Garlic is the best cure for yeast. Worked wonders for me. Sticking the clove up there is the best thing you can do. Ive never had problems retrieving it though. Hope this helped.

  5. have s*x until it falls out.  

  6. Did that actually work?  Can't you just use your finger and feel around for it?

  7. wow. well, if you can't feel it to get it out, go to the doctor. if it gets lodged it can cause infections.

  8. Try coughing.  Use those kegel muscles!!!  If it stays for too long you're gonna get another infection... that would be weird to explain to your doc.  Try standing up, coughing.  Peeing might help since those muscles relax.  This is such a weird situation....

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