
How to remove acrylic paint quickly from carpet???

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  1. I am a painter and have spilled paint on brand new white carpets.This is what you should do.DO NOT TOUCH IT WHILE IT'S WET! What you will do is just rub it deep into the carpet and after that it's almost impossible to remove it.The pigment will be deep in the fibres and the difference will always show.Instead you leave it for a day to dry up and then you use a steel comb or a steel brush and remove the heavier blotches ( thumb nail will do). Then you get sandpaper and sand it out.When sanding go in different directions diagonally.It takes patience but it works.Keep in mind that the paint just got glued to the fibres and it can be removed. If it's rubbed in while fresh the pigment goes deep into the fabric and will always show.The goo off stuff that you buy in stores is just a gimmick that rarely works.

  2. remove it when its fresh.. how? acrylic are water base.. so when you use towel and water you can remove it.. if it stained.. you can use detergent and brush/scrub or something.. then smudge it.. if you have carpet better use bleach.. and if not. NEVER.. and if worse comes to worst.. you may have to have carpet cleaner service or a vacuum cleaner that cleans stain and better has a dryer.. or you can have home remedy like use hot water and lemon:) rinse and there you go:)

  3. NO  use LOTS of water and absorbent rags and then soapy warm water

  4. goof off

    buy it at lowes, home depot ect...

  5. They have a product in the paint department called OOPS that works on paint spills. I don't really think it matters if it's wet or dry but I'd get as much out of the carpet as possible with paper towels, etc. and don't wait to long to get it out.  

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