
How to remove antiperspirant/deodorant stain from white t`shirts/underwear?

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how to remove antiperspirant/deodorant stain from white t`shirts/underwear




  1. Make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply to the stains and let sit for about twenty minutes. Wash as usual

    Refrain from using Anti perspirant as these can stain you can use instead to stop odor and wetness dabbing a little Rubbing Alcohol on your underarms or by apply some White Vinegar to your underarms to stop perspiration and it won't stain, even applying Baking Soda underarms as a deodorant or use Cornstarch for underarm deodorant this does not stain or cause any bad reactions and cost less than deodorants and anti perspirants, it is also a lot healthier to use and causes no staining Good Luck !

  2. add about a cup of white vinegar to the wash water, leave the top open so it will soak at least an hour, close the top and let the machine continue on with it's cycle.

  3. In a large pot slice a lemon or 2 , add water and some salt to it , put it on the stove and put your stained T.Shirts etc... inside the pot , bring to boil for at least 10 minutes, turn the stove off and leave your T.shirts soaking inside until the water is completely cooled , rinse the T.shirt out , this is also used to remove stains from white table cloths , I have done it !

  4. Sponge or spray with white vinegar and let sit for an hour or so.  Then wash in water as hot as the fabric will allow.

    Consider changing antiperspirants - not all stain or stain as badly!  I finally got my husband to use Mitchum and that doesn't do near a bad a job on his shirts as Speed Stick used to!

  5. i dont know, no idea..i dont even think bleach works

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