
How to remove caffeine or sugar from a beverage without destroying the caffeine or the beverage?

by Guest58304  |  earlier

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How can you remove caffeine or sugar from a drink without destroying either product? E.g Removing caffeine from coke, with the end product being the caffeine and the coke in separate sections.




  1. the only solution i can think of is add water.

  2. You'd have to use a toxic organic solvent in which only the caffeine were soluble. I wouldn't recommend drinking the separated products, however.

    Caffeine is removed from coffee beans using a supercritical fluid, but that requires expensive apparatus and wouldn't work with a complex mixture such as cola.

  3. distill it

    points plz

  4. distillation will only separate the water from all the rest. Plus heating it to distill it will change the soda, for example removing the CO2.

    Really can't do much.

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