
How to remove camera trembling from video

by  |  earlier

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i used my video camera to make a video like everybody else that owns a video camera. the problem is that my hand shakes a lot and the video was not still it was trembling. i no there are softwares in which you can get rid of the shakiness but i don't know of any. does anybody know of any softwares in which you can remove the trembling and shaking of the camera caught on video.




  1. Have a look at the Deshaker plugin for VirtualDub.  It works, but it uses a lot of processing time - cut out all the excess footage before you use it!  Also, make sure you read the guide - it's not easy if you don't!

  2. If you use Adobe Premiere then there's a Plugin called Steadymove..which is pretty good at it and very simple to use.

    Best of luck

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