
How to remove cigarette smell from yourself? ( Please don`t say stop smoking

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I have started smoking and my family dosen`t approve. I only smoke once or twice a month. How can I remove the smell of cigarette from my clothes and body so that they never know I have been smoking.




  1. If you find yourself in a situation where you really need to keep your person free of cigarette smoke smell, but you want to light up regardless then here’s what you do. First, smoke outside facing away from the wind, upwind from any other smokers in the vicinity, if you have an overcoat with you, wear it. This will keep most of the smoke away from your clothing. After you’ve finished your stogie, remove your coat and stand out in the wind a little longer to flush your person with fresh air. If it’s not particularly windy, take a brisk walk. As for your breath, the best you can do is brush your teeth, gargle with a strong mouthwash, and follow that up with the strongest mint you can handle.

  2. Mist yourself with one of the highly advertised air freshners.

  3. Smoke outside and use a good mouthwash when you are done your cigarette. If you are only smoking once or twice a month and you do it outside you are less likely to get the smell in your clothes.  

  4. Cigarette smoke is one of those odors that are very hard to remove from your car. This smell is very much likely to stick to your car’s interior and stay there for a long period of time. You might not be a smoker yourself, however, if you do drive with a smoker or if you share your car with a smoker, the odor might be irritating for you. You may have tried air fresheners and airing your car out. However, these do not work effectively.

    The very best thing to do is clean out your car. The odor is easily overpowered to take flight once you get to clean your car. The fact is that cigarette smoke is much more likely to stick and live in your car’s interior. So cleaning then out would also drive away the odor.

    First off, try shampooing your car’s interior. Do not forget to do the same to your carpets, upholstery, seats, and floor mats. You can use an odor eliminating shampoo to take off the smell of cigarette smoke. If you do not know where to purchase such a product, you can try locating one through the Internet. Or you can visit your local hardware or home improvement store. You can find one of these from these sources.

    Do not leave out all the surfaces of your car’s cabin. Use the same shampoo to clean these parts. To do so, you would need a damp sponge. Just place a small amount of the shampoo on the sponge then work it on the surface and then wipe down. Also clean your windows. This time, you can use a glass cleaner.

    By doing such, in no time at all, you would be saying goodbye to that cigarette smoke odor that has been bothering you for a long time. Just make sure that you do not allow anybody else to smoke while inside your vehicle.

    Now, if you want to maintain the performance of your vehicle, you can visit Same Day Car Parts for exemplary Volvo performance parts. It is the leading supplier of Volvo parts that includes replacement parts as well as Volvo accessories.

  5. febreez

  6. I won't say to stop smoking but that's the only way you're going to ged rid of the smell.

    By now you family probably already know ypu're smoking....just from the smell.

  7. Smoke naked outside and then shower.  

  8. you really can't because nicotine clings to pores, windows, drapes, furniture, hair, lungs,  you name it.  Call your local funeral home, they have someone kind of air freshener they will use to help kill the odor of dead clients.

  9. buy your self a PIG and nobody will notice you smoke

    {they will be 2 busy holding their noses !

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