
How to remove coke stain from car seat?

by  |  earlier

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Hi i dropped a coke can on my passanger seat . i got a stain now does anyone know any easy way of removing it .




  1. Tide to go, turbo!

  2. first of all.  don't include coke in a question then let me see later you're talking about a pop.  but ya.  you could do lots of things with that.  um.  i can't even think right now.  is this guy serious

  3. snort it

  4. I've removed tea, Coke and red fruit punch with a carpet cleaner, at my Mother's house.

    I used the upholstry cleaner on her carpet cleaner.

    I'm a cheap chick. I'm not sure if it works at the car wash.

  5. Spray Oxyclean, let it sit for 3 minutes then wipe it off

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