
How to remove gnats from the bathroom?

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Everytime you kill one they multiply in to A LOT more. I don't know where there coming from but it's ONLY coming from the bathroom. What can you use to kill these, for good. Gnats have never been in my house like this before. I tried placing a bowl of vinegar but it didn't really work...

Thanks ahead of time.




  1. Just the bathroom..that's curious could the Gnats actually be coming from outside?..Is the light on in the bathroom at nighttime? Is there a opening or broken screen in the bathroom window ? seal the window . a half consumed can of soda pop is a good trap gnats like sweet things they fly in but can't fly out.  

  2. Sometimes we get this problem when the windows are open, even with screens on the windows, and I think they also come in the pet door.  The only way I've ever used that really works is getting rid of everything in the room that may be attracting them.  If I can't find what that may be, I begin looking in corners and beside the frig, places that small pieces of food may be hiding.  With two younger boys, you never know where something might have landed!  I once searched for two days and finally found a tiny piece of banana on the floor beside the frig.  Please try this before letting off a chemical bomb in the house, especially if you have children or pets.  Those not only kill bugs, but can easily hurt you.

  3. Remove their source of food and they will die off. There is something in there that is attracting them. Make certain nothing has fallen under the sink or behid a standing piece of furniture or the tub. Scrub out the wastebasket. Remove all plant matter, any damp towels or the like. If need be, seal off the bathroom and let off a bug bomb in there; keep closed for 5 hours and then open the window to air out. That will, unfailingly do the trick, but try the other options first.  

  4. They could be breeding in the drain - I've had this problem in my bathroom as well - no windows, no plants.  They seem to congragate in the sink.  I've gotten rid of them by running very hot water down the sink, followed by an appliction of a drain cleaner and another long rinse of hot water.

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