
How to remove marker stain off my shorts?

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I have a 100% polyester shorts which got green marker stain on the back.

I havent washed it off yet.

Is there any way to remove the stain perfectly??




  1. If it won't come out add some more to it. Use different colors all over so it looks more like a pattern instead of an accident.

  2. spray with hairspray, let set overnight. Add vinegar to the laundry water and do not dry the shorts in the dryer let air dry that way if it is not removed in washing you have not set it in by drying them in the dryer

  3. Use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Cleaning Pads

  4. No not perfectly

  5. Try alcohal. The color of the short itself will probably come off.

  6. hope this helps...

  7. try a tide pen or soap and water.

  8. I got some india ink on a white dress. & A friend I was with told me to spray it with hairspray on both sides of the stain, put it in the washer as usual. I was really skeptical but I tried it, & it worked! Just be sure to wash it in COLD water & rinse in COLD water too!

  9. rubbing alcohol

  10. I agree with jcp3... try a stain pen. If that doesnt work put some dish WASHER liquid on it first let it set in then launder.

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