
How to remove paint on bass guitar?

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I've acquired a bass my friend didn't want this Squier pbass which he bought a few years back because it was part of a deal with his more expensive bass.

It was so cheap because someone has painted OVER the original in a horrible grey/blue you can see the paint lines and everything its just annoying.

Is there any way of getting down to the next level without you know sanding it half to death?




  1. first it may simply wipe off using paint thinners,but try on the reverse to make sure it doesnt take off the original paint bellow...

  2. You can go down to Lowe's/Home Depot and buy some paint remover.

  3. Do you want to take it back to the wood for show or are you going to repaint it? If your going to repaint it then your best bet is to just sand it back as you will get a nice finish on it.

    If you are looking to take it right back to he base, you can try paint removers, NITROMORS is great to take things back, or you could try a heat gun but that would take a while and you would have to the thing to peices, which I would recommend what ever you do.

    Good luck on it

  4. I used paint stripper, did a lovely job, all the paint came of, stripped it to the wood in places and melted my pickups, hmm - I'd probably make sure I know what I'm doing, remove the pickups, scratchplate and make sure I kept an eye on it were I ever to do it again ;)

  5. Steam strippers intenended for wallpaper work GREAT just make sure if its a setting enables, never over 2.

  6. white spirit


  7. first off... i love the bass.  Got 2 myself.  The best thing you can do is just give up on attempting to get back to the original.  The reason its painted over is that its scratched to h**l.  You can try acetone, or dichloromethane (methylene chloride), but i wouldnt waste the effort.  Just sand it down and start over man.  sorry.  

  8. there is no other way, unless you (or your parents) possess a belt sander and or oscillating sander.

    It's going to be a bit hard to obtain excellent results

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