
How to remove remove (parasite) tapeworm form intestine?

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How to remove remove (parasite) tapeworm form intestine?




  1. in homoeopathy ,there are good remedies remove tapeworms from the intestine naturally without any use of laxative.consult nearest homoeopathic doctor.

  2. wormwood, black walnut and cloves

  3. I read in a survival book to eat 2 cigarettes.

  4. Make a surgical incision in your abdomen close to where the tapeworm is.  Then make another incision into the intstine, and get someone to call 911.

  5. Supplement your diet with fiber to improve transit times, and keep your colon cleansed of parasitic activity.

    Supplement your diet with a high-grade multi-vitamin to ensure adequate vitamin, mineral, and nutrient intake, and to combat the resulting deficiency from parasitic infestation.

    If you are prone to infestations, avoid known sources such as contact with rodent f***s, cat litter boxes, and inappropriate contact with dogs.

    Use caution when drinking and/or swimming in unfamiliar water sources.

    Wear protective clothing when exposed to bloodsucking insects.

    Wash all fruits and vegetables in clean water before eating to prevent roundworm and whipworm infection. Add a few ounces of over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide and/or mild soap to increase the parasite-killing activity of water.

    Wear shoes or slippers to prevent hookworm infection.

    Do not use water from septic tanks or other potentially contaminated sources for watering vegetables.

    Contain all waste matter in an outdoor toilet or latrine rather than going as nature intended outdoors.

    Children are particularly susceptible to parasites, and often harbor the largest number of worms. Teach them proper hygiene, such as hand washing (including using a nail brush) after going to the toilet, playing outside, or before preparing or eating food.

  6. just go to pharmacy shop, it's over the counter. nice and easy and doesn't get absorbed by our bodies.

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