
How to remove smells from curtains?

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have musty smell in curtains and was hoping for some tips to remove it?




  1. washing them will freshen them up

  2. Wash them regulary.

    And open windows to circulate air

    Use freebrez

  3. Wash them ........

  4. Febreze or Oust will remove the smell, and I think they both do an antibacterial version that will remove some of the causes of the smell. But to really make them clean, either wash them, steam clean them or get them dry cleaned (depending on what material they're made of).

  5. Wash them or have them cleaned,, depends on fabric.    

  6. Wash them.


  7. wash them in a laundrette if possible

    or spray them with OUST :P

  8. First of all put them in a bath of cold water.  Change the water every few hours then put them in the washing machine in a wool wash.

  9. Spray with febreeze and steam immediately afterwards.

    You can use a steam cleaner on the curtains whilst they are still hanging.

  10. Machine wash them, or dry clean them?

    Take them down and air them outside.  Spray with febreeze or something similar when re-hung?

    Nothing much more you can really do.  Masking the odour by spraying something on them alone will only make the smell more stale.  

  11. Some cutains can go in the washer but then they will probably need ironing.  febreeze works for a while but i've never found it gets rid of the smell for good.  Best if you can afford it to take it to a dry cleaners and get them steam cleaned.  they won't need ironing afterwards either!

  12. Santizing wash.

  13. wash um

  14. Probably not a good idea to wash curtains unless they are machine washable (do they have a washing instruction label?) I would suggest dry cleaning as the best option although this is very expensive.  My choice would be to take them down carefully so as to not disturb the pleating (if there is any) and hang them on the washing line on a nice breezy day and whilst they are out there spray them with febreeze and leave them out for as long as possible.  this will air them well and they should smell fresh when re-hung.

  15. I've read to get odors out of  *clothes* you can hang on hanger with plastic bag over the clothing item.  Then take a bowl or some other container filled with activated charcoal, place inside bottom of the plastic, tape it to seal and let it set a few hours (or a day or two?)

    Maybe you could rig something like that?  Somehow?

    (If you figure out how to do it, please let me know!  I have heave drapes need it too.)

    (BTW - activated charcoal supposed to do quite a better job in frige instead of that box of baking soda also)

  16. if you can wash them, add about a cup of ammonia to the wash cycle. this will get out most stubborn odors and it also helps the soap wash better.

    DO NOT USE BLEACH with the ammonia.  

  17. how do you get rid of smells on your clothes??? you wash them, your curtains are no different.

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