
How to remove super glue from sunglasses lenses?

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How to remove super glue from sunglasses lenses?




  1. If they are plastic lenses , you're screwed. If they are glass use a razor blade

  2. As mentioned above CA is dissolved with acetone. If your lenses are a polycarbonate then forget it. Try taking them to where you bought them. They may be able to polish it out.  

  3. A product called Goof Off

  4. Super Glue is not water soluble.  You can remove it from skin with finger nail polish remover which is mostly acetone.  Acetone can dissolve some plastics and polymers, though, so test on a small area before applying to the whole lens.  

  5. I believe super glue is water soluble, so soak your sunglasses in warm water til the glue releases.

  6. Try with warm water and a delicate cloth!!! It should work!

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