Hi as in http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20080902053142AAbmw89 I am using the following code for now
mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("") or die(mysql_error());
$data = mysql_query("SELECT Player,COUNT(Player) Total FROM
(SELECT `Home Scorer 1` Player FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 2` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 3` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 4` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 5` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 6` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Home Scorer 7` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 1` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 2` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 3` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 4` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 5` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 6` FROM matches
UNION ALL SELECT `Away Scorer 7` FROM matches) PlayerTotals
$result = mysql_query($data);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($data);
echo $num_rows;
?></b> different scorers</font><br><br><div align=\"left\"><table border=\"1\" bordercolorlight=\"#000000\" bordercolordark=\"#000000\"><tr><td>Name - <font size="2">Click to see details</td><td>Times</font></td></tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$text = "".$row['Player'] . "";
$url = urlencode($text);
echo '<tr><td><a href="./scorer.php?scorer='. $url .'" target="_blank">'. $text .'</url></td>';
echo "<td> ".$row['Total'] . "</td></tr>";
This sorts my data for example
Player A 8
Player B 5
etc etc, however there is a row at the top with no content where a name is supposed to be and a number, this is because of my empty fields in some rows and it is including this in the query, is there any way to stop these being included (PHP?) as it messes the table up a bit!