
How to renew my passport

by  |  earlier

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I got my passport in 1999 while I was doing my standard XI. I am married now, and my passport is due to expire on April 1, 2009. I am planning to apply for a U.S. visa. Should I renew my passport now itself. If I do, should I include my spouse's name, new address and new and much older photo? If so also please help me as to how I should go about doing all this. How soon will I get my renewed passport?




  1. Why not ask, at the office where you renew your passport?? Isn't that what they are pay for? to answer your questions and help with the process?


          You need to contact the embassy of your native country ,if you

         resides in U.S at the preseDefinitly Definetely you need to renew

         your passport .At the embassy they will explain to you all the

         propper requirment to renew your passport.


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