
How to repel outdoor mosquitoes in guatemala

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i want t not get bit but i dont know how what is a natural or home made repelent plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. It has been of great help to me to take 1000 mg of garlic gel-caps per day.  I do this anyway for my blood health, and find the more I take the less mosquitoes bother me, even when they are eating up the people around me.  You have to take it every day for at least a week or two before it really works good, and the maximum effect begins around a month after you start consuming the supplements.  Fresh garlic in your foods and salads helps as well!

    I have read that one of the compounds in garlic contains sulfur, and fleas, ticks and mosquitoes avoid sulfur.  I have used sulfur (in a form called ''Sulfur Flowers'' - applied by dusting onto a piece of bologna and feeding it to the pet) to actually kill fleas and ticks on pets.  

  2. Hey man they call it mosquito coast there for a reason. They are like pre-historic assault commandos. Get the nastious repelent you can buy and get a mosquito net too cause they come inside too! Then say a prayer each night that you don't get malaria. Its common down there! And forget about natural cause its not worth using a natural verses getting malaria! Btw, Don't eat bananas....I recently read an article that stated that bananas put out an odor through your pores that mosquitos are attracted to.  

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