
How to replace a jeep soft top on a TJ 2000?

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I just bought a jeep replace-a-top and was wondering if anyone has a link to some inst. on how to install, thx its for a 2000 tj wrangler thanks




  1. if you bought just the top, and not the soft uppers, then the best way to do this is to start from the back and work your way to the front. remove the side windows, then do it just like you were taking the top down. now before you slide all the bars to the rear, stop.

    remove the snaps holding the top to the rear bar, should be five snaps if i remember correctly. after you do that, throw the canvas up towards the front of the jeep.

    next undo the snaps (velcro?) that hold it to the center bar (the one by the sound bar, or on top of the sound bar depending on sound bar placement.). do not throw the canvas to the front. instead, pull the bars to the back, laying them as if the top was coming down.

    now comes the tricky part:

    bring the canvas to the back of the jeep, along with the header bar. let it lay ouside the jeep, over the back tire. now bring the bar all the way to the back position (against the other bars.), then flip the canvas into the jeep tub (seating area)

    if you look down at the header bar, there should be 8 or 9 screws now visible. i found it best to sart in the middle and work your way out first to the driver side, then passenger side.

    after you have removed these screws, the top should be completely off.

    when you go to install, it is the reverse of removing it.

    BUT BE SURE to  sart with the screws in the center, and work your way out. this is the most important part, as it centers the top on your header bar, and if not done right, it will look wrinkled after you finish. thanks!!

  2. i would call customer service for the brand of top you bought and ask them to send you instructions or use the website and print one off. i'm sure they'd be more than willing to send one out.

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