
How to replace various numbers in a Microsoft Excel column with a value equal to +1?

by  |  earlier

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I have a column (Column A) with one number per row, about 200 rows down (Rows A1 to A200). Each day I need to advance every number in the column by one, effectively replacing the original number with a new one equal to +1. So one week from now, all 200 rows of numbers will be a value of 7 more than they are today.

Is there any way to do this other than manually advancing the numbers? I know I could use an =A1+1 type of formula, but wouldn't that require me to retain the original value of A1 indefinitely? Remember I need to "replace" A1 all the way down to A200 with a value of +1 and need to do this every day.

Any ideas or am I stuck manually replacing numbers?




  1. theres a few ways to do this

    1. the easiest way to do this:

    - type the number 1 into an empty cell like B5 (or whatever)

    - copy cell B5

    - highlight A1 to A200

    - right click on your highlighted column

    - click paste special...

    - click Add

    - click ok

    2 the fastest way

    - record a macro

    - just start the recording and follow the steps in 1

    - then its just a button click

    3 the 3rd easiest way (this would take a little work)

    - do the math

    - use the formula in A1


    - format the cell as a number

    - and you will get 39683

    - then you subtract to get to the number you want (lets say you want the number 10) then you would use the formula


    - then every day you open the sheet it will add 1

    - the obvious problem with this changes every day (whether you open it or not)

    so i think #2 is the best way to go

    your macro would look something like this

    Sub add1()


    ' add1 Macro




        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"




        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlAdd, SkipBlanks:= _

            False, Transpose:=False

    End Sub

    attach it to a button you can click when you want.

    good luck

  2. As usual, Expletiv has some excellent suggestions. I would agree with the option of using a macro, but I would not attach it to a button.  Buttons can get 'accidentally' clicked.  I would create a keyboard shortcut for the macro that would require definite intent to run it.

    This macro will increment Column A by 1.

    Sub Increment_ColA()

    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Range("A1:" & Range("A65536"). _

    End(xlUp).Address(0, 0))

    For Each cell In rng


    cell.Value = cell.Value + 1



    End Sub

    Copy the macro to the clipboard.

    Press, ALT + F11

    Insert  >  Module

    Paste the macro into the Module space to the right.

    Close back to Excel.

    Go to Tools  >  Macro  >  Macros

    Highlight the Increment_ColA macro, if it is not already highlighted.

    Click:  Options

    Select a letter to be used as a keyboard shortcut.

    Close back to Excel.

    When you press CTRL +  your keyboard letter, the values in column A will increment by 1.

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