
How to report abuse at a daycare?

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I currently work at a daycare facility i only started a few weeks ago at 1 hour a week and than started working 3 hours per day and i have seen some of the workers hit kids on the hands or on their bottoms sometimes with diapers other times with their hands. They also tend to "put down" kids and will call them babies...and there is absolutely no discipline in the facility when children hit, throw toys or push other kids.




  1. Wow! That is messed up. I think you are brave, and awesome to be addressing it, and not just turning a blind eye, or worse, joining in! I would call Social Services or Children's Aide, or even a child abuse hotline!

  2. call your local cps, child abuse hot line or the police.  and do it immediately.  you are a mandated reporter.  this means you are required, by law, to report all suspected child abuse or neglect.  do it now.

  3. Not only do you report the person to Child Protective Services, you report them to their immediate supervisor. This should be grounds for instant dismissal. Is there any way you can secretly video them doing this? It is unacceptable!

  4. Contact the agency that licenses day care in your state. It should be named on the license which is probably posted where parents can see it. Then call CPS>

  5. The first thing you want to do is document exactly what you see from an objective stand point.  Write down the date and time of the event and be very specific on details.  Rather than saying, "On Tuesday, Jimmy got hit by the teacher."  Write, "Tuesday, July 22.  10:30 AM.  Jimmy was refusing to sit at the table for snack.  When he began crying, teacher Sarah walked over and hit Jimmy with the ruler on his hand saying, 'When I say sit down, you sit down.'"

    Once you have some documentation of facts, then call your local Child Protective Services.  It is a confidential call and they can begin the process of what happens next.

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